Meat With Added Value

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  • Mon – Fri 09:00 – 18:00

Philippine pork production and consumption to increase in 2025

  • Domestic Pork Production: Expected to reach 1.06 million metric tons (MMT) CWE in 2025, a nearly 2% increase from 2024. However, production will still be below pre-ASF levels throughout 2025 due to ongoing ASF outbreaks in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, which are hindering herd rebuilding.
  • Pork Consumption: Forecast to rise by 2% to 1.58 MMT CWE in 2025. This increase is driven by economic growth and population expansion, though inflation will somewhat limit the rise.
  • Pork Imports: Anticipated to grow to 510,000 MT CWE, an increase of over 6% from 2024. The rise in imports is supported by ongoing animal disease challenges, economic growth, population increases, and expanded access for Brazilian pork exporters due to Department Order 3 (DO No. 3).


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